Solution for a pitched roof without thermal insulation on non-flammable base
System composition
- TECHNONICOL roofing shingles
- Underlayment membrane ULTRAPLAST B (APP)
- Bitumen Prime Coating
- Solid base Particle-cement board
- Roof structure
Pitched roofs of residential houses and administration buildings on non-flammable base without thermal insulation.
Roofing solution for pitched roofs with non-flammable base with the slope not less than 5 degrees without thermal insulation with high quality covering from TECHNONICOL SHINGLAS multi-layer roof shingles.
The torching method for installation of roofing shingles is based on the practice of torching polymer-bitumen roll-fed materials. In this system, the APP-modified bitumen membrane ULTRAPLAST B is used as an underlayment. It is important to note that during installation by torching method roofing shingles are not directly exposed to the flame but are reliably adhered to the molten surface of the underlay membrane.
Installation of the roofing system is to be performed on a continuous, dry and even decking made of cement bonded particle boards or fiber cement boards. The relative humidity of the surface should not exceed 4%.
TECHNONICOL roofing shingles serve as the main roof covering, providing waterproofing and an attractive appearance. The great variety of patterns and colors allows making a choice that best suits the chosen house design.
Installation of the system must be conducted in accordance to the Manual for installation of roofing shingles by TECHNONICOL: torching method.
TECHNONICOL roofing shingles collections available for torch-on application: Jazz, Country AR, Classic series. When installing shingles on slopes over 60 degrees, additional fixation with nails (screws) is required.